Home Entretenimento 15 Strongest Female Characters In Chainsaw Man, Ranked

15 Strongest Female Characters In Chainsaw Man, Ranked



  • Chainsaw Man showcases incredibly powerful female characters with unique abilities and captivating storylines.
  • Part 2 makes ranking the strongest women even more challenging due to their well-developed complexities.
  • Characters like Kobeni, Fumiko, and Princi stand out for their agility, combat skills, and devil contracts.

Part of the appeal of Chainsaw Man is its many incredibly powerful female characters. Thanks to the excellent writing of Chainsaw Man creator Takatsuki Fujimoto, all of these women are well fleshed out and have commanded the ranking of Chainsaw Man’s popularity polls. More than just strong though, Chainsaw Man’s most powerful women range from skilled fighters to legitimate world-ending threats to master manipulators.

Part 1 of Chainsaw Man’s manga already made it difficult to rank every powerful woman in the series by their strength, which is why it’s so remarkable that Part 2 makes the task even more difficult. What makes all of these characters so remarkable though isn’t just the absurd power levels they reach, it’s just how well-written they are. All of Chainsaw Man’s characters are interesting, but that’s especially true of the series many strong women.

15 Kobeni Higashiyama is Much More Powerful Than She Initially Appears

Debuted Chapter 4

Introduced as a Devil Hunter recruited into Special Division 4 “Makima’s Squad,” Kobeni is immediately portrayed as anxious and self-deprecating. As she only took the job wishing to support her family with a steady paycheck, her actual drive to kill devils is almost non-existent and she quickly gives up. Though Kobeni is a coward, she is still an accomplished and efficient fighter. Kobeni has an impressive amount of agility and at one point fights a high-ranking devil single-handedly with just a knife and pure athleticism. She also has a devil contract and while the devil has not been formally revealed, if paired with her agility it will lead her to become an extremely dangerous combatant.

14 Fumiko is A Self-Proclaimed “Denji fan” New to Devil Hunting

Debuted Chapter 136

Working alongside Yoshida, Fumiko has an upbeat personality and is assigned to work as Denji’s bodyguard during the Academy Saga. Despite seeming like a formidable Devil hunter, her inexperience made it impossible for her to properly protect Denji and Nayuta when they were attacked, and didn’t seem to be invested in trying to protect the series’ protagonist, despite her claims of being a big “Denji fan”.

Despite her obvious inexperience, Fumiko does have a lot of potential, being shown to have fast reflexes and proficiency at being able to quickly disarm assailants, as well as being skilled with firearms. Based on her appearances in the series so far, she hasn’t made any contracts with a Devil, either, making her natural reflexes even more impressive.

13 Princi the Spider is Nice But Powerful

Debuted Chapter 34

Prinz in the Chainsaw Man comics

Princi, the incarnation of the Spider Devil, was recruited into the Makima Squad as a fellow Devil Hunter after she was hunted down and chose to join Makima rather than be killed. As devils’ powers come from the level of fear humans feel towards what they embody, Princi being the embodiment of spiders makes her an incredibly powerful devil.

As a devil, Princi can heal by consuming human blood, as well as being essentially immortal as any devil killed on Earth goes to Hell, and any devil killed in Hell goes to Earth. Princi’s ability to submerge herself in walls and the ground as well as the ability to summon certain people anywhere makes her a formidable foe.

12 Akane Sawatari’s Contract With the Snake Devil Makes Her Deadly

Debuted Chapter 24

Akane Sawatari in the Chainsaw Man comics

Akane is a human and former Devil Hunter who has a contract with the Snake devil. As she is incredibly distrustful of Makima, she decides to ally herself with the Gun Devil in an attempt to destroy Makima. On top of summoning the Snake Devil, Akane has the ability to pseudo-revive beings which she uses to great effect against Makima’s squad. So while she isn’t the strongest, her ability to revive powerful allies at the cost of her nails makes her a dangerous and frustrating opponent when she fights alongside another powerful foe.

11 Himeno is an Expert Devil Hunter

Debuted Chapter 10

Himeno on the cover of Chainsaw Man vol. 3 holding her hand to her cheek with a bunch of flowers behind her.

Himeno was formerly a devil hunter and member of the Makima’s squad and was the original “buddy” or mentor/teacher to Aki Hayakawa. Himeno also served as one of Denji’s bodyguards when the threats to his life from the Gun Devil dramatically increased.

As a veteran devil hunter, Himeno was exceptionally gifted at hand-to-hand combat and was shown to kill and fight on-par with many devils as well as instantly beating Kobeni in mock combat. Himeno sacrificed her eye to the Ghost devil and while she could only use a small portion of its power, she was able to fight incredibly efficiently.

10 Cosmo Has One of the Series’ Most Horrific Powers

Debuted Chapter 54

Cosmo in a library in the Chainsaw Man comics

Cosmo is the Cosmos Devil as well as a fiend which is a devil that inhabits a human corpse. She, alongside Pingtsi, Long, and Tsugihagi are members of Quanxi’s harem, though most characters know nothing more than the fact that she is only able to say the word “Halloween.”

While odd, Cosmo’s true powers are incredibly frightening. When she uses her powers on others they are granted all of the knowledge the universe holds, yet the toll is so great that her victims can only chant the word Halloween. If she gets in range to use her powers, nothing can stop her. Though this unstoppable power should make her one of Chainsaw Man’s strongest women, Cosmo’s more passive nature and limited role in the story loses her some ranks.

9 Reze’s Explosive Powers Make Her Nearly Unstoppable

Debuted Chapter 40

Reze on the cover of Chainsaw Man vol. 6

Star of the upcoming Chainsaw Man movie, Reze is a young woman seemingly in her early 20’s who lives her life as a college student while working at a coffee shop to get by. She is introduced as one of the few women who had the potential to be a love interest for the main character Denji. However, she is in actuality a Russian assassin sent to dispose of the Chainsaw Devil.


Chainsaw Man Crosses a Big Line With New Most Controversial Chapter Ever

Chainsaw Man is known for its many shocking twists and turns, but chapter 167 manages the impressive feat of being the most controversial yet.

As the Bomb Devil, Reze holds tremendous power which in addition to her assassination training makes her a dangerous foe going on to kill dozens of Safety Division officers. As she holds close to no regard for harming herself when transformed as a Devil, she often explodes parts of her body to obtain the upper hand in fights and is a highly unpredictable fighter.

8 Power More Than Lives Up to Her Name With an Impressive Skillset

Debuted Chapter 4

Power from Chainsaw Man

One of the three main members of the Makima Squad alongside Denji and Aki, Power is one of the best Chainsaw Man characters. She’s the most beautiful and smartest being on the planet, at least according to her. In actuality she is homicidal, a habitual liar, a thief, ignorant, and always ready to run away from dangerous situations even if it means abandoning her comrades to save herself.

As the Blood Devil, in addition to the powers all devils possess, Power can manipulate the blood within her body at will to create essentially any weapon she can think of. Even with Power being forcibly deprived of blood she was able to contend with multiple higher-ranking devils as well as revived Denji from the brink of death.

7 Master “Santa Claus” is One of the Series’ Most Despicable, and Powerful, Villains

Debuted Chapter 54

Chainsaw Man's Santa Claus or Master standing with a slight smile in front of a blood red background.

The entity known as Santa Claus pertains to the person who is contracted by the Doll Devil. The current user “Master” has no known name as “Santa Claus” works in complete anonymity. Their introduction comes from the Gun Devil making contracts with various Devils and Devil Hunters aiming to kill Denji the contractor of the Chainsaw Devil.

The power of the Doll Devil allows the user to turn humans into corpse puppets through contact to amass an army of mindless soldiers. It is speculated that even “Master” may not have been the main contractor of the Doll Devil and was merely a puppet herself. The anonymity behind the true power of “Santa Claus” means they could be anywhere and everywhere with no one knowing where an attack may come from.

6 Quanxi is One of the Most Feared Devil Hunters For Good Reason

Debuted Chapter 54

Quanxi rocks an eyepatch with a city behind her in her chapter cover in the international assassins arc. 

Quanxi is a former Chinese Devil Hunter who eventually grew bored and took on the role of mercenary and assassin and obtained the ability to call upon the powers of the Arrow Devil. While technically human, Quanxi is one of few Hybrids who though assimilating a devil, has the power to turn into one at will. Quanxi is an unrivaled expert hand-to-hand combatant who uses immense speed and superhuman strength to destroy opponents quickly.

Quanxi is also a master swordsman whose only limitation in killing opponents is the durability of her swords, which she showcased by killing dozens to hundreds of Dolls in an instant. This along with her ability to heal as a devil makes her an almost impossible enemy to kill and many devil hunters died attempting to do so.

5 The Falling Devil Tapped Into True Primal Fear

Debuted chapter 122

Introduced in Chainsaw Man part 2, the Falling Devil is a literal representation of the fear of falling, and is the main antagonist of her own arc, aptly dubbed the “Falling Devil arc” in the manga. Despite being summoned by Fami, and therefore being much weaker than she could be, the Falling Devil is an immensely powerful threat for Denji and Asa to go up against, as the Devil is said to have existed as long as humanity.

The Falling Devil possesses the ability to manipulate gravity, which allows her to invert the gravitational pull on individuals, forcing them to fall up to the sky; upon reaching a specific height, the individual will then descend into Hell. Additionally, she can force victims to relive traumatic experiences, as well as be able to manipulate and intensify negative emotions that one may harbor. Despite her vast abilities for manipulating one’s mental state, she is surprisingly easy to defeat due to her body easily being destroyed by gunfire as well as Denji’s signature chainsaws.

4 Asa Mitaka/Yoru is a Walking War Zone

Debuted chapter 98

Asa Mitaka weaponizes her clothing to eviserate the War Devil in Chainsaw Man chapter 108

As the girl who shares a body with the War Devil Yoru, Asa is a top-tier threat whose power is only growing with each passing chapter of Chainsaw Man Part 2. Asa’s ability to turn her possessions into weapons already sounds decently powerful, but the series has hinted it might even be stronger than initial appearances suggest.

Much of Asa’s initial plot revolves around turning Denji into a weapon. If Asa succeeds in turning the nearly all-powerful Chainsaw Man into a weapon then it’s entirely possible her power will end up more than exceeding Denji’s.

3 Nayuta Harbord Limitless Potential

Debuted Chapter 97

After Makima’s death in part 1, it was revealed that the Control Devil was reborn in a young girl named Nayuta. To keep her from being like her previous self, Kishibe takes the young girl to be raised by Denji in a warm, loving environment to hopefully imprint a bit of humanity onto her. Like Makima, Nayuta loves dogs but seems to dislike controlling them using her powers.

While she’s still young, and therefore not nearly as powerful as Makima was, Nayuta does possess the same abilities as the previous Control Devil. She’s able to use the same chains that Makima could, and is capable of erasing an individual’s memories and replacing them with a fabricated version of events. She also has the ability to alter the senses of humans and devils alike. Given how powerful Nayuta already is, it wouldn’t be surprising to see her potentially surpassing Makima as she gets older – but for now, she’s still Denji’s adoptive little sister.

2 Fami Has the Ability to Command Primal Fears

Debuted Chapter 108

Chainsaw Man's Fami standing with her head tilted in front of a floral stained-glass window.

Fami is one of the Four Horsemen alongside Makima, Yoru, and Nayuta. The embodiment of Famine, Fami has already displayed a truly impressive range of abilities in her scant few appearances in Chainsaw Man Part 2. Perhaps her most threatening ability is enslavement. Using a being’s innate sense of hunger, Fami can manipulate them to do whatever she wants. This is already an incredibly powerful ability, but considering she can use it to enslave a Primal Fear like the Falling Devil, Fami easily ranks among Chainsaw Man’s most powerful women and most powerful characters. Fami might well take the top spot by the series’ end, but for now, it’s her sister that truly deserves top rank.

1 Makima is the Only Devil Who Came Close to Ruling the World

Debuted Chapter 1

Makima smiling softly in Chainsaw Man.

Chainsaw Man’s biggest twist is Makima being the secret manipulator of the entire Devil Hunter association and the embodiment of the Control Devil. Her ultimate goal was to utilize the inherent powers of Chainsaw Man to destroy the concepts of all Devils and make a utopia. Though her ideals sound good, she is not above killing anyone and everyone to make her perfect world.

As the Control Devil Makima can completely manipulate any being she feels she is stronger than, ranging from taming dogs, to forcibly using other Devil abilities at will. She is physically strong enough to fight any opponent single-handedly and a master tactician. Ultimately, Makima’s only undoing is her own arrogance as Denji is only able to beat her by attacking her after she thinks she’s already won. If Denji hadn’t ended Makima when he did, it’s almost entirely certain that no one could have stopped her insidious plan, making Makima Chainsaw Man’s strongest woman by a wide margin.

Chainsaw Man Anime Poster

Chainsaw Man

Ryan Colt Levy , Fairouz Ai , Sarah Wiedenheft , Suzie Yeung , Reagan Murdock

Release Date
October 11, 2022


Streaming Service(s)

Tatsuki Fujimoto

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