Home Entretenimento Every Death In The Acolyte

Every Death In The Acolyte


Warning! This post contains spoilers for The Acolyte.


  • Several characters have met their demise in The Acolyte.
  • Indara was the first victim of Mae’s hunt for revenge.
  • Torbin chose poison over confessing what he had done in front of the Jedi Council, showing immense guilt in his interactions with Mae.

The Acolyte has shocked Star Wars audiences with its willingness to kill characters, major and minor, at the drop of a hat, and numerous fan-favorites have fallen already. The Acolyte is set 100 years before Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace in the Star Wars timeline, meaning that many of the show’s characters were sure to be new to Star Wars movies and TV shows. While that has largely proven true, that doesn’t mean that The Acolyte characters haven’t become beloved.

In fact, some characters have even garnered their own unique fanbases, and expectations were high for other brand-new additions. Despite that, The Acolyte has been fairly ruthless in killing the heroes of the show, and it doesn’t seem to be slowing down any time soon. Here’s everyone who has died in The Acolyte so far.


The Acolyte Episode 5’s Jedi Deaths, Ranked By Impact

The Acolyte episode 5 brutally killed off several of the Jedi sent to Khofar, but not all of their deaths had the same element of surprise or impact.

7 Master Indara Was The First To Fall

The Acolyte, Episode 1, “Lost/Found”


Created By
Leslye Headland

Carrie-Anne Moss


Carrie-Anne Moss’ Jedi Master Indara was a highly-anticipated character, and she was heavily featured in many of The Acolyte’s trailers. Well-known for her role as Trinity in The Matrix franchise, Moss seemed like a natural fit for a Jedi Master. Moreover, the clips of Moss in the various Acolyte trailers revealed some truly stunning fighting—a style Star Wars is officially calling Force-Fu—raising expectations even further. Unfortunately, Master Indara’s time on the show was cut shockingly short.

Indara ended up being the very first victim of Mae’s hunt for revenge in The Acolyte, and although Indara battled Mae bravely, Mae weaponized her Jedi compassion against her. Because Mae knew Indara would focus more on protecting others than on protecting herself, she was able to distract Indara by threatening the life of an innocent bystander, ultimately stabbing her in the chest. However, thus far, this hasn’t meant Moss’ complete disappearance from the show.

Rather, Moss returned in flashback in episode 3, “Destiny,” which revealed Indara’s role in the twins’ childhood. Visiting Brendok, one of the new planets in The Acolyte, Indara insisted that she and the other Jedi with her be permitted to test twins Mae and Osha in the Force. It seems likely that Indara will be back at minimum in a similar flashback, as mysteries remain regarding what truly happened on Brendok.

6 Master Torbin’s Death Pointed Toward A Mystery

The Acolyte, Episode 2, “Revenge/Justice”

Master Torbin was the second Jedi to fall to Mae, and his death was much more intriguing than Master Indara’s because of the questions left in its wake. Like Indara, Torbin was on Mae’s hit list because he was somehow connected to what had happened to Mae, Osha, and their family on Brendok 16 years before. Unlike Indara, though, Torbin exhibited much more guilt in his interactions with Mae than Indara did.

Torbin exhibited much more guilt in his interactions with Mae than Indara did.

Specifically, Mae gave Torbin the choice to either confess what he’d done in front of the Jedi Council or take poison. In the end, Torbin chose the poison, suggesting a significant amount of guilt. Torbin also appeared in The Acolyte episode 3, although, interestingly, he was only a Padawan at the time. This makes it all the more intriguing that his guilt was so immense—what could he have done as a Padawan that would have made him prefer death to the truth?

The Acolyte has yet to explain why Torbin felt so much shame, but, presumably, that answer is coming. The Acolyte has effectively been billed as a Star Wars mystery show, and it’s held true to that so far. Among the many mysteries of the show, however, the fate of Mae and Osha’s family and the Jedi’s role in the tragedy remain among the biggest. These answers will no doubt be revealed before the end of season 1, shedding light on why Torbin so willingly embraced death.

5 All The Witches Of Brendok Met A Tragic End

The Acolyte, Episode 3, “Destiny”

Mother Aniseya

Created By
Leslye Headland

Jodie Turner-Smith

Unknown Coven of Witches

The mass murder of the Brendok witches is one of the most fascinating aspects of The Acolyte, particularly because the show has turned into a sort of whodunit. Although it initially seemed clear that Mae had killed the witches—as both Osha and Master Sol confirmed this story of events—the flashback in episode 3 complicated matters. Yes, Mae seemed to have started a fire, but the bodies of the many dead witches were notably not burned. Mae certainly couldn’t have killed the entire coven herself, suggesting someone else was at fault.


Everything Star Wars Just Revealed About The Witches Of Brendok, Its New Force Cult

Star Wars: The Acolyte episode 3 revealed plenty of brand-new information about the Witches of Brendok, Star Wars’ newest Force-sensitive coven.

Horrifyingly, it seems possible the Jedi may have been the true killers, which would also make Mae’s bloodthirsty hunt for revenge make much more sense. Of course, there are other popular theories regarding the true murderer, one of the most prominent being a Sith Lord. No matter who killed them, though, this event sadly meant the massacre of the entire coven, including both of the twins’ mothers, Mother Aniseya, who created them, and Mother Koril, who carried them.

4 Master Kelnacca’s Death Was Anti-Climactic

The Acolyte, Episode 4, “Day”


Created By
Leslye Headland


Master Kelnacca’s death was perhaps the most disappointing so far, specifically because so little was done with his character. In fact, significant anticipation was being built around Star Wars’ first live-action Wookiee Jedi Master. In the end, though, Master Kelnacca had barely any screen time before his death.

Master Kelnacca’s death was perhaps the most disappointing so far.

Like Indara and Torbin, Kelnacca was implicated in whatever event Mae was seeking revenge for, although his role remained equally shrouded. For that reason, Mae and her accomplice, Qimir, were headed to Khofar, the planet on which Kelnacca was stationed, to kill him. Osha, Sol, and the other Jedi followed hot on their trail as well, in an effort to save Kelnacca’s life before Mae could take it.

Interestingly, it seems Mae wasn’t the one to take it. Although Kelnacca did die in episode 4, “Day,” he was already dead when Mae arrived in his home. This is easily the most compelling aspect of Kelnacca’s death, as the exact cause remains a mystery (although the who soon became clear). Even with that curious end, Kelnacca’s death nevertheless remains disappointing. While many Jedi deaths in The Acolyte have been swift, Kelnacca had next to no character development before his demise, robbing audiences of a true Wookiee Jedi Master.

3 Several Unnamed Jedi Were Cut Down By The Stranger

The Acolyte, Episode 5, “Night”

The Acolyte episode 5 was easily the most shocking episode of the show so far, both because of its major reveals and because of its brutality. Episode 4 had concluded with the masked villain confirmed to be Mae’s master (although his actual identity remained concealed) stalking toward a group of Jedi on Khofar. Episode 5 picked up just after that, with one Jedi already dead at the villain’s hand.

Although the character still hasn’t been confirmed as a Sith, he does wield a red lightsaber and demonstrate a mastery of the Force, both of which proved absolutely deadly for the Jedi. In fact, by the episode’s end, multiple other unnamed Jedi had also fallen. One of the most disturbing kills happened when the villain, now officially named the Stranger, stabbed one Jedi through with his lightsaber and then used the Force to pull a second Jedi onto his saber.

2 Jecki Lon’s Death Was The Most Brutal So Far

The Acolyte, Episode 5, “Night”

Jecki Lon

Created By
Leslye Headland

Dafne Keen


The brutality certainly didn’t stop with the multiple murders of the unnamed Jedi, though. Rather, the Stranger ended up engaging Jedi Padawan Jecki Lon in battle. Impressively, Jecki truly held her own against the Stranger, which is particularly remarkable given how quickly so many Jedi masters were cut down by him even when fighting together. She fought the Stranger so successfully, in fact, that she managed to knock his helmet off, finally revealing his true identity.

Sadly, this win came at the highest possible cost. It was only once Jecki had destroyed the Stranger’s helmet that he stabbed her straight through three times, pulling out a concealed lightsaber dagger from within his main saber and catching her off guard. To add even more cruelty to this devastating moment, when Master Sol yells, “Jecki!” the Stranger coldly says, “Was that its name?”

While this was an absolutely crushing plot point, it did mark a key moment in the larger Acolyte story, as Jecki’s sacrifice meant that the Stranger’s true identity was revealed. As many had suspected after several major hints in episode 4, the Stranger was really Qimir, the odd, even quirky acquaintance Mae was seen working with on her quest to kill the Jedi. Of course, he dropped that persona very quickly and was revealed to be a terrifying, ruthless killer.

Jecki’s sacrifice meant that the Stranger’s true identity was revealed.

1 Yord’s Death Was Completely Unexpected

The Acolyte, Episode 5, “Night”

Yord Fandar

Created By
Leslye Headland

Charlie Barnett


The final death in episode 5 of The Acolyte was nearly a blink-and-you-miss-it demise, but it was also almost as devastating as Jecki’s. Just as Jecki and Master Sol quickly grew on viewers, Yord Fandar became popular almost immediately, with fans even unifying under the name ‘the Yord Horde.’ Unfortunately, this fanbase suffered a terrible loss when the Stranger unceremoniously snapped Yord’s neck, killing him instantly.

Although the episode (and the show) was already filled with gruesome, surprising deaths, Yord’s felt very different. In part, this was due to how difficult it was to see Yord’s death coming. Unlike the other Jedi who died while actively in battle with the Stranger, Yord had just paused, exchanging words with Qimir because he was astonished to discover he was the masked figure. After a quick “Surprise” and a smirk, Qimir whipped Yord around and killed him.

This death also stood out because it wasn’t done with the Force or a lightsaber. There was something much more real about this death and that, combined with the shock factor, made it all the more difficult to swallow. Clearly, this Star Wars show is not afraid to kill its darlings. Although these are all the characters who have died in The Acolyte so far, there are surely more to come before the show’s end.

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