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BBC Leaders' Special LIVE: Rishi Sunak reveals general election betting allegations made him 'incredibly angry' as he vows to oust rulebreakers from Conservative Party



Rishi Sunak, Sir Keir Starmer, Sir Ed Davey and Scotland’s First Minister John Swinney will all be grilled by a Question Time audience as part of a BBC leaders’ special event tonight.

The Prime Minister and leaders of the Labour Party, Liberal Democrats and SNP will each have 30 minutes to answer questions from a live studio audience in York.

The televised address will be seen by the men as an opportunity to reach out for voters and shore up support ahead of polling day in two weeks time.

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Our political editor James Tapsfield reports Rishi Sunak begged Brits to recognise his plan is ‘starting to make a difference to your lives’ during a BBC Question Time grilling.

The PM is making another bid to turn the tide in the flagship election special, with just a fortnight to go until July 4.

Sunak compares general election to battle with Liz Truss

Asked if he was glad to have called the election, he added: ‘I am.’

The Prime Minister compared his current prospects to those he had during the Tory leadership contest of 2022.

Even though people didn’t want to hear it at the time, I kept going, I kept saying what I thought was right for this country, I kept going until the end and you know what? I was proved right then.

And that is why you can trust me now when I say that what Keir Stammer is promising you is the same fantasy as Liz Truss did and it is just going to make your taxes go up and that matters to me because I don’t want that to happen.

Sunak insists he was right to call election

The Prime Minister insisted it was the right time to call an election when asked why he had called a snap vote.

Mr Sunak said he decided to call an election when he neared economic stability and that voters had a choice between him and Sir Keir Starmer.

Asked whether he had any specific regrets of his premiership, Mr Sunak said he wanted to make more progress on NHS waiting lists.

Sunak – Migrants must be able to support relatives

Rishi Sunak said that migrants do make a contribution to the UK, but those who come here should be expected to support their dependants.

Of course migrants can make a contribution to our country and do – like my parents, as you said, like my grandparents – my point is that the levels of migration that we have seen are too high and they need to come down.

What we have done is say that people are going to bring family members here, they just need to be able to support them.

Pressed on whether social care staff should be paid more so they are able to support their families, Mr Sunak replied:

We have a dedicated visa for social care because we know how important it is and we need to make sure that we do get the right workers.

Sunak – It’s time we realised Brexit benefits

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak speaking during a BBC Question Time Leaders' Special in York. Picture date: Thursday June 20, 2024. PA Photo. See PA story POLITICS Election. Photo credit should read: Stefan Rousseau/PA Wire

Rishi Sunak said it is time to ‘make sure we realise all the benefits’ of Brexit.

Asked if Brexit had denied young people a future, he said ‘we had a referendum, it’s time to get on’.

The Prime Minister pointed to the Teesside Freeport as one such benefit.

‘I was there recently talking to young apprentices,’ he said.

Questioned about NHS waiting lists, Mr Sunak said they had started to come down ‘over the last five months’.

‘I come from an NHS family,’ he said.

But Mr Sunak admitted his Government had ‘not made as much progress as I would have liked’.

Sunak grilled over ‘bonkers’ national service policy

Rishi Sunak suggested it would be ‘politicising the armed forces during an election campaign’ to respond to criticism of his national service policy.

Asked about comments from Lord West of Spithead, a former chief of the naval staff and Labour peer, who is reported to have called the policy ‘bonkers’, Mr Sunak told the BBC Question Time audience:

Well it wouldn’t be appropriate to start politicising the armed forces during an election campaign.

The Prime Minister insisted the military route was optional, despite the proposed national service scheme being compulsory.

When asked about what sanctions people could face for not taking part, Mr Sunak pointed to ‘access to finance’ among other examples.

Asked if this meant taking away people’s bank cards, he laughed, and said:

There’s lot of different models around Europe.

Sunak – I will boot out rulebreakers from Conservative Party

Rishi Sunak said anyone who is found to have broken the rules will be ‘booted out of the Conservative Party’ amid the election betting scandal.

During BBC’s Question Time special, the Prime Minister said:

These investigations are ongoing, they are widely confidential, one of them is a criminal investigation that’s being conducted by the police.

Mr Sunak said the ‘integrity of that process should be respected’, adding:

What I can tell you is if anyone is found to have broken the rules, not only should they face the full consequences of the law, I will make sure that they are booted out of the Conservative Party.

Breaking:Sunak – I’m ‘incredibly angry’ by betting allegations

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said he was ‘incredibly angry’ to learn of allegations about Tory figures betting on the election date, and that they ‘should face the full force of the law’ if found to have broken the rules.

‘Judge me on my 18 months in office’

Mr Sunak was first asked whether he was embarrassed to lead the Conservative Party into the election by a voter who said he helt Britain had become an ‘international laughing stock’

The Prime Minister said he admitted ‘mistakes were made’ when he first spoke on the steps on Downing Street but urged people to judge him on his 18 months in office.

Prime Minister arrives on stage

Rishi Sunak is now taking questions from the audience – the final leader to appear tonight.

Starmer refuses to reveal migration target

Sir Keir Starmer would not reveal a number target by which Labour would reduce net migration.

“Every single politician who has put a number on it has never met that number,” he told the BBC Question Time audience.

The Labour leader added: “We want to get it down significantly. It needs to be balanced immigration so it works for our economy and works for our country.

“We need to get it down, but if we are going to do that, we need to understand what the problem is.”

Sir Keir pointed to training more people in various skills as one means of reducing net migration.

Ending private schools tax break wasn’t ‘easy choice’

Mr Starmer said Labour’s policy of ending tax breaks for private school fees by adding VAT was not an ‘easy choice’.

He said he understood how hard parents worked but that he needed to look at education across the board so all children should have the same opportunities.

Keir Starmer asked if only women have a cervix

Mr Starmer is now asked by a woman if he had changed his position on whether only women have a cervix after his previous criticism of Labour MP Rosie Duffield.

He says on biology he agrees with Tony Blair that men have penises and women have vaginas but that some people don’t assign with the gender they are born with

He said he was worried with the way the debate was taking place and that it had become ‘toxic’.

He later receives applause by telling the audience he didn’t want to get into a position where the Prime Minister was making trans jokes.

Not scrapping tuition fees is ‘political decision’

Mr Starmer has insisted he won’t press ahead with abolishing tuition fees because the money would be better spent investing in the NHS.

The Labour leader told the audience he wanted to get rid of tuition fees five years ago but that the economy had been badly damaged.

He said he made a ‘political decision’ to keep tuition fees and instead use the money to support the NHS.

Starmer pressed on NHS waiting lists

Mr Starmer is repeatedly pressed on when waiting lists will reduce to a reasonable level.

The Labour leader appears reluctant to give a firm date but insists work will start on day one of government with operations taking place as quickly as possible.

He then says by the end of the next Parliament he would hope to see improvement.

Starmer – I’m worried by political trends in Europe

Keir Starmer is asked about the rise of right-wing parties across Europe and says he is genuinely worried by some of the political trends he is seeing across the country.

The Labour leader said he will work with all governments but that as a progressive party is he worried by ‘political tendancies’ in Europe.

Sir Keir Starmer skewered over past support for Jeremy Corbyn

First up, Sir Keir Starmer is challenged why he backed Jeremy Corbyn’s manifesto given his recent criticism of the Tory manifesto.

Sir Keir says he campaigned for the Labour party in 2019 and wanted to see good colleagues returned but that he knew the party had a ‘job and a half’ in 2019.

Fiona Bruce then asks him if he meant whether Mr Corbyn would ‘make a great Prime Minister’ and Sir Keir reiterates he was campaigning for Labour not the leader.

Sir Keir then repeats he never thought Labour would win the election.

Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer is up

Sir Keir Starmer will now take questions from the audience as John Swinney leaves the stage.

Swinney asked ‘controversial’ question over which party he rather see in Westminster

SNP leader John Swinney suggested he would prefer Sir Keir Starmer as prime minister over Rishi Sunak.

Asked which of the two main party leaders he would prefer to see in No 10 by a Question Time audience member, Mr Swinney said: “You are asking me a very controversial question.”

To clapping, he added: “I think the Conservative Government has been a total disaster and a calamity. So it cannot be out of office quick enough in my view.

“I think it is an absolute certainty that the Labour Party will win the election in England, and I hope people in Scotland will recognise the importance of having strong SNP voices in the House of Commons who will argue for decisions to be made in Scotland for Scotland and will put the interests of people in Scotland first.”

Asked about an apparent softening in his party’s position on the future of the oil and gas sector, Mr Swinney compared it to the Conservative Government’s plans, which he called “irresponsible”.

SNP leader accused of ‘backtracking’ over net zero promises

Mr Swinney is now challenged on his energy policy as a man asks him why the party is ‘backtracking’ on net zero promises by going ahead with new oil licences.

He said the party’s position has always been that any new licences would have to pass a compatibility test with its climate change goals.

Mr Swinney said that although the journey to net zero is one the party cannot escape, it will determine licences on a case-by-case basis.

NHS faces ‘significant challenges’ in Scotland

Mr Swinney is asked how he can help fix the NHS in Scotland if he receives no further funding from Westminster.

The SNP leader concedes there are ‘significant challenges’ in the Scottish health service and that more money is needed.

Adds that money can be raised in Scotland by raising taxes to invest in public services which it is doing but that actions are needed following 14 years of austerity which had created a crisis.

Swinney grilled over Scottish Independence plans

Mr Swinney is now asked by a woman whether he will keep going until a second independence referendum.

The SNP leader says he believes the people of Scotland have a right to self-determination and that independence is at the heart of its manifesto.

But he refused to say whether he would change approach if the SNP wins less seats than another party at the election.

SNP leader party told party has become ‘complacent’

Mr Swinney is then asked by a female audience member whether the party’s domination in Scotland has led to complacency.

The SNP leader said he is working to eradicate any notion of that and insists any laws that pass through the Scottish Parliament require help from allies.

Adds a general point that politics has become polarised and that he wants to bring people together.

Swinney asked how he can ‘project confidence’ after SNP scandals

Mr Swinney’s first question is asked how he can ‘project confidence’ given the number of scandals that have dogged the SNP.

The SNP leader is the third to lead the party in 18 months with one of his predecessors, Nicola Sturgeon, facing a criminal investigation.

Mr Swinney said he would be first to admit it has been a turbulent time but that he is working to rebuild trust between the party and the electorate.

John Swinney up next

Sir Ed Davey has now finished taking questions and is replaced by SNP leader John Swinney.

Sir Ed grilled on Post Office scandal

Liberal Democrats leader Sir Ed Davey speaking during a BBC Question Time Leaders' Special in York. Picture date: Thursday June 20, 2024. PA Photo. See PA story POLITICS Election. Photo credit should read: Stefan Rousseau/PA Wire

Sir Ed Davey was confronted over the Post Office Horizon IT scandal, an issue that has dogged the Liberal Democrat leader.

A BBC Question Time audience member asked him: “Are you proud of your conduct when you were Post Office minister?”

Sir Ed has come under fire for failing to do more to help wrongly-convicted subpostmasters when he held the brief in 2010-12, and for initially refusing to meet Alan Bates in 2010.

Sir Ed said he made “two big mistakes during that time”, including failing to meet the campaigner and not seeing through assurances given to him by the Post Office that Mr Bates’s assertions were not true.

“I’m sorry for not seeing through those lies. There were many ministers of all political parties during this 20-year period who didn’t see through those lies.”

Lib Dem leader fails to rule out another coalition

Sir Ed is asked by a man in the audience if he would be willing to enter another coalition following the election.

The Lib Dem leader says he isn’t focused on what happens until after the election and that he was determined to maximise the number of Lib Dem MPs.

Tuition fee U-turn ‘scarred’ Lib Dems

Sir Ed has been asked about the Lib Dem’s U-turn on tuition fees in 2010 which he admitted ‘scarred’ the party.

The Lib Dem leader said his party was ‘severely punished’ and didn’t perform well in the following two elections.

But he said he told his party had worked hard to reconnect with voters since he had become leader.

‘We cannot afford to raise income tax threshold’

Sir Ed is now asked by a man whether he can raise the income tax threshold so people on lower incomes pay less tax.

The Lib Dem leader insists he would want to do that when resources allow it but that the country cannot afford the measure at the moment.

He adds the two-child benefit cap should be removed which would help families in poverty.

Sir Ed told he ‘enabled’ austerity

A man now asks Sir Ed if he has a ‘credibility issue’ because he ‘enabled’ David Cameron and a programme of Conservative austerity.

Sir Ed admits he wasn’t proud of some of the actions of the coalition government but says he made a hard choice to stay and fight the Tories inside government instead of complain from the sidelines.

Asked about the coalition years, the Lib Dem leader said:

It was very difficult governing with the Conservatives, you couldn’t get everything you wanted. But we were faced with a choice as a minister, you either had to stay in and fight inside, or leave.

I think the easy choice for me would have been to leave the Government, vote against it, tour the media studios.

The hard choice was to stay in, roll my sleeves up, and really fight.

Sir Ed Davey asked if Lib Dems will bankrupt Britain

First question of the night is put to Sir Ed Davey by Alison who asks him if his spending plans, which are five times higher than Labour’s will bankrupt the country.

Sir Ed insists it won’t because the manifesto is detailed and costed.

He then lists several ways on how the money will be raised by taxing oil and gas giants and reversing tax cuts for the banks.

Question Time Leaders’ Special starts

No desk tonight… just centre stage.

Host Fiona Bruce explains each leader will have 30 minutes to answer questions from the audience.

First up is Sir Ed Davey.

Ten minutes to go…

The BBC’s Question Time Leaders’ Special is now just 10 minutes away.

Stick with us for live coverage from throughout the event with Lib Dem leader Sir Ed Davey expected to answer questions first.

Rishi Sunak – Prime Minister needs miracle if dire polls are to be believed

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak during a visit to Sizewell in Suffolk, while on the General Election campaign trail. Picture date: Wednesday June 19, 2024. PA Photo. See PA story POLITICS Election. Photo credit should read: James Manning/PA Wire

If the polls are to be believed, the Prime Minister will need a miracle performance in York tonight, but is it too little too late?

His campaign has been dogged by debacles, this week chiefly a Gambling Commission probe that has so far investigated two Tory candidates over allegedly betting on the date of the general election.

Mr Sunak will need to show resilience with the audience expecting to pepper him on immigration, the NHS and cost-of-living questions.

Expect him to warn about tax rises under a Labour government.

Keir Starmer – Labour leader to emphasise he is the change candidate

YORK, ENGLAND - JUNE 20: Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer visits the construction site of Persimmon Homes Germany Beck housing development on June 20, 2024 in York, United Kingdom. Labour pledges to build 1.5 million new homes over the next parliament by supporting housing associations to enhance their capacity for affordable housing, setting mandatory housing targets for councils, and recruiting hundreds of new planners to address planning backlogs. (Photo by Ian Forsyth/Getty Images)

The Labour leader will aim to look Prime Ministerial as he hopes to convince voters he is the right man to replace Rishi Sunak.

Mr Starmer has long enjoyed a dominant lead in the polls and though criticised by some for playing it too safe, he will want to ensure he has a steady night without any gaffes.

Expect him to be pushed once again on tax with Labour repeatedly asked what taxes they can and cannot rule out in the event they win an election.

It’s also likely he will emphasise his message of change, namely the country is crying out for it and that he is different to his predecessor Jeremy Corbyn.

John Swinney – SNP leader aiming to reignite pressure to secure Scottish independence

First Minister of Scotland John Swinney arrives for First Minister's Questions at the Scottish Parliament in Holyrood, Edinburgh. Picture date: Thursday June 20, 2024. PA Photo. See PA story SCOTLAND Questions. Photo credit should read: Jane Barlow/PA Wire

Much like the Conservatives are warning against a Labour landslide in England, Mr Swinney will no doubt urge voters to make sure the SNP can provide staunch opposition in Scotland.

Nicola Sturgeon’s former deputy will be keen to show he has proved capable of moving on from scandals that have engulfed the party.

Launching the SNP manifesto on Wednesday, Mr Swinney said the election would allow voters a chance to ‘intensify the pressure’ to secure Scottish independence.

If asked about Brexit, Mr Swinney is likely to say an independent Scotland would re-join the European Union.

Sir Ed Davey – Lib Dem leader on hunt to woo disaffected Tories

Liberal Democrats leader Sir Ed Davey speaks to media after a visit to Richard James Hub, London, while on the General Election campaign trail. Picture date: Tuesday June 18, 2024. PA Photo. See PA story POLITICS Election LibDems. Photo credit should read: Lucy North/PA Wire

The Liberal Democrat leader will be answering questions first and will be directly appealing to Conservative voters to choose his party at the ballot box.

His campaign has been noticeable for a number of election stunts or photo ops including a waterslide, bicycle riding and paddleboarding in the Lake District.

But he won’t mind if it adds to extra publicity and a video showing him caring for his disabled son was particularly welcomed by some as showing the human side of politicians.

Will be keen to discuss his plans for NHS and social care and clearing sewage from rivers.

What the candidates want and don’t want to happen tonight

Let’s take a look at each of the candidates in order of speaking and examine what they will be hoping for from tonight’s event.

Pictured: John Swinney arrives for Question Time event

Thiis is the moment Scotland’s First Minister John Swinney arrived in York for a four party leadership election special.

The SNP leader will speak second on the night following Sir Ed Davey.

YORK, ENGLAND - JUNE 20: Scottish First Minister and SNP leader John Swinney arrives for tonight's four party leadership Question Time Election special on June 20, 2024 in York, England. In a two-hour special, hosted by Fiona Bruce, Conservative Party leader Rishi Sunak, Labour Party leader Keir Starmer, Liberal Democrats leader Ed Davey, and Scottish National Party leader John Swinney answered questions from the studio audience. (Photo by Stefan Rousseau - WPA Pool/Getty Images)

Where have the leaders been today?

Liberal Democrats leader Sir Ed Davey with an insect hotel during a visit to Whinfell Quarry Gardens, Sheffield, while on the General Election campaign trail. Picture date: Thursday June 20, 2024. PA Photo. See PA story POLITICS Election LibDems. Photo credit should read: Danny Lawson/PA Wire

The Labour and Lib Dem leaders both visited seats in Yorkshire today, ahead of their appearance in the evening on BBC1’s Question Time in York, while Prime Minister Rishi Sunak chose to stay off the campaign trail.

Sir Ed Davey went to what is plausibly the only constituency in the country the Liberal Democrats might gain from Labour on polling day: Sheffield Hallam.

It is a seat with a notable Lib Dem history, having been held by the party’s former leader, Sir Nick Clegg, from 2005 up to 2017, when he was beaten by Labour.

Meanwhile, Sir Keir Starmer spent Thursday morning in York Outer: the only constituency in the country with the word “outer” in its name, and which always appears last on any alphabetical list of UK parliamentary seats.

York Outer has been in existence as a constituency since 2010 and has been won by the Conservatives at every general election up to and including 2019, with the party defending a notional majority at this election of 10,782.

Stories from the campaign trail: What you may have missed

FRODSHAM, ENGLAND - JUNE 20: Nigel Farage, Leader of Reform UK tries his hand at clay pigeon shooting at Catton Hall on June 20, 2024 in Frodsham, England. Nigel Farage's Reform UK is setting its sights on potential gains in Cheshire as the 4th UK general election approaches. (Photo by Christopher Furlong/Getty Images)

Before we look ahead to tonight’s debate, let’s take a look at some of the political stories we have published on the MailOnline website today with polling day now just two weeks away.

Here are just some of the stories we have reported today:

Our political reporter James Tapsfield reports Rishi Sunak will mount another bid to turn the tide in the election tonight as he and Keir Starmer face a BBC Question Time grilling.

With just a fortnight to go until July 4, the PM and the Labour leader will take turns being interrogated by a studio audience.

Read James’s report here:

Good evening

YORK, ENGLAND - JUNE 20: BBC Question Time presenter, Fiona Bruce on the set of tonight's four party leadership Question Time Election special on June 20, 2024 in York, England. In a two-hour special, hosted by Fiona Bruce, Conservative Party leader Rishi Sunak, Labour Party leader Keir Starmer, Liberal Democrats leader Ed Davey, and Scottish National Party leader John Swinney answered questions from the studio audience. (Photo by Stefan Rousseau - WPA Pool/Getty Images)

Hello and welcome to MailOnline’s live coverage of the Question Time Leaders’ Special.

We will provide live updates as Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, Sir Keir Starmer, Sir Ed Davey and John Swinney face 30 minutes of questioning from a live audience in York.

Sir Ed Davey will face questions first before he is followed by John Swinney, Sir Keir Starmer and Rishi Sunak in an order agreed by the BBC and by the political parties.

It is one of the last televised leaders event before Britain heads to the polls on July 4. To watch the leaders special live tune in to BBC One at 8pm.

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